Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Marka Žvaka - 1.000.000 €

Goran Vesić nije odgovorio na našu molbu za intervju, što govori o transparentnosti rada gradske uprave Beograda. Jednostavno, na sva pitanja iz ugla javnog dobra i zajedničkog interesa koja kritički sagledavaju poteze administracije ni ne odgovaraju. Ili ako dođete u priliku da im ih postavite, odgovaraju sa "Niste u pravu". Edukovani kako da hendluju nezgodna pitanja, nesvesni obaveze da menjaju društvo na bolje. Sledi molba koju smo Goranu Vesiću poslali i na koju nam nije odgovorio:

Beograd 17.08.2016.

Gospodine Vesiću,

Naša produkcija “Ciklotron” realizuje kratku dokumentarnu formu “Marka Žvaka” koja se emituje na internetu i na TV Prva. Uglavnom obrađujemo ljude, životinje, pojave i fenomene našeg društva. Želeli bi da Vas intervjuišemo povodom početka naplate parkiranja u ulici Bulevar Zorana Đinđića.

Pitanja koja bi Vam postavili su:

- krajem aprila 2016. godine, na početku radova izgradnje ovih parking mesta izjavili ste da su inicijativu pokrenuli peticijom građani. S obzirom da su nakon početka naplate ovog ponedeljka automobili počeli da se “povlače” u okolne blokove, predočite nam koji ćete sledeći potez povući, s obzirom da je u betonskom Novom Beogradu jedna zelena površina manje, njeno pretvaranje u asfaltiran parking su platili građani, rezultata praktično nema.

- Zbog čega gradska administracija čiji ste menadžer veruje da će vlasnici automobila kupovati karte za autobuski prevoz kako bi parkirali svoje automobile na parkingu kod Sava Centra? Da li je razmatrano da se parking kod SC naplaćuje po nižoj ceni od 200 din/dan, na taj način poveća popunjenost, rasterete okolni blokovi, samim tim i zarada koja se sliva u gradsku kasu?

- Koliko je ukupno plaćeno izvođenje građevinskih radova u ulici Bulevar Zorana Đinđića?

- Kada ste i gde najavili i organizovali “razmatranje i procenu od strane građana”? Ukoliko pomenuto razmatranje i procenu niste organizovani, da li ćete i kada?

(Kako je navedeno u Odgovoru na zahtev o pristupu informaciji od javnog značaja, broj 3143, JKP Parking servis, dokument se nalazi u prilogu. Odgovor se odnosio na prirodu PDF dokumenta - plana za 22 lokacije na Novom Beogradu, koji se nalazio na serveru Parking servisa.

Razgovor bi snimili u petak, 19.08.2016. na parkingu u Bulevaru Zorana Đinđića ili na bilo kom drugom mestu koje Vama odgovara.

Odgovorio Goran nije.

Sledi link epizode Asfaltiranje Novog Beograda, Marke Žvake koju smo snimili na početku izvođenja ovih radova u aprilu 2016. godine. Došli smo nenajavljeno, i uvideli kako gradski menadžer razgovara sa onima koji ne misle na isti način kao i interesna grupa kojoj pripada:https://youtu.be/epxLqjWmLDM


Marka Žvaka - Disko iz Bele Palanke

Brica. Voli zmije. Obožava da igra. Bekirović Zoran zvani Disko. Živi u Beloj Palanci kod Niša. "Moji su uslovi malo lošiji, ali živim."


Tajanstvene Price - Tajne Mesecevog Grada

Pravljenje baze na mesecu trka izmedju Amerikanaca i Sovjeta ko ce pre napraviti bazu na mesecu i fakticki zagospodariti mesecom. Kako su tekle pripreme zrtve i neuspesi cene po kojoj se htelo sto pre do izgradnje grada na mesecu.

Sinovci (2006) Ceo film

Синовци, најбоља српска драма!


Domaći film "Sinovci" iz 2006 godine je priča o dva sveta, svetu mrtvih i svetu zivih, onih koji su vec stradali i onih koji tek treba da stradaju za otadzbinu. Radnja filma pocinje sa Obradom Srećkovićem koji je tokom rata 1991. godine, krenuo pravac Vukovara da pronađe svog sina na ratištu... Ostatak mozete saznati gledanjem filma.

Petar Kralj, Miodrag Krivokapić, Ljiljana Blagojević, Vuk Kostić, Kalina Kovačević.

People of the Future come back to Earth from New Planet - Space # Time T...

Secrets of Gold #Mind Blow [ Full Documentary ] HD 

World largest Super volcano in America - National Geographic - [Full Documentary] 

Odiseja Vrste

Broj 55 (2014) Ceo film

U jesen 1991. grupa hrvatskih vojnika odlazi u patrolu u improviziranom oklopnom vozilu. Ubrzo upadaju u zamku, njihovo je vozilo uništeno a oni se skrivaju u obližnjoj kući…

Apeliramo svima koji su u mogućnosti da ovaj film pogledaju u kinima jer se zaista radi o vrijednom projektu koji valja podržati novčano.
Jezik: Hrvatsko/Srpski/Bosanski
Film koji je 2014. godine osvojio 8 Zlatnih arena na Pula filmskom festivalu! Priča se temelji na istinitim događajem koji se dogodio u rujnu 1991. u selu Kusonje pokraj Pakraca.
U jesen 1991. mala skupina hrvatskih vojnika improviziranim oklopnim vozilom vlastite izrade odlazi u patrolu. Ubrzo padaju u zasjedu, vozilo biva onesposobljeno, a oni su prisiljeni sakriti se u obližnju kuću.

Njihov otpor udruženim snagama pobunjenih Srba, JNA i srpskih specijalaca traje gotovo 24 sata, a paralelno pratimo napore njihovih suboraca da ih izvuku iz okruženja.

Čovjek koji je pobijedio Amazon (HR)

Čovjek koji je pobijedio Amazonu, dokumentarni film

Film prati plivača Martina Strela ili Big River Mana na njegovoj posljednjoj pustolovini, dvomjesečnom plivačkom podvigu kroz najopasniju rijeku na svijetu - Amazonu. Martin je u 66 dana preplivao 5.268 kilometara ove rijeke i postao prvi plivač na svijetu koji je to učinio, te se po četvrti put upisao u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda. Prva tri puta upisao se plivajući kroz Dunav (3.004 km), Mississippi (3.797 km) i Yangtze (4.003 km).

U ovom dugometražnom američkom dokumentarcu pratimo upornog čovjeka kojemu je tijekom putovanja, zbog zdravstvenih razloga, nekoliko puta sugerirano da odustane, no on to nije učinio. Tim više što Martin Strel ne izgleda kao prototip plivača, ima nekoliko desetaka kila previše, pije dvije litre vina dnevno, a nije mu stran niti Jack Daniels, čak i dok pliva. Na uzbudljivom putovanju prati ga mala ekipa prevođena njegovim sinom Borutom, a svakodnevna obiteljska koškanja čine ovaj film još zanimljivijim. Peruanska i brazilska plemena štuju ga kao božanstvo, a pri svakom izlasku iz vode oko njega su desetine kamera.


NASA Video : Earth From Space Real Footage - Video From The Internatio...

Beautiful video of Earth as seen from the International Space Station. This is HD footage captured by NASA HDEV cameras on board the ISS.

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For the latest LIVE Video go here: 

LIVE Stream 2 here: 

This footage was taken from the ISS live stream.

Thanks for viewing - Please check out my other Youtube videos : 

Edited footage from the ISS - Earth from space - Continuous stream of amazing images of Earth as seen from the International Space Station. New footage added daily , over 24 hours of unique content and growing.

The original footage from the Space Station contains many breaks and pauses - these hopefully have all been edited out - there may be one or two of a relatively short nature that have been overlooked

Thanks to Kevin McLeod for the music
Peace of Mind
Almost in F
Music for Manatees

Video Highlight: Stunning "loops of fire" on the Sun - The Sun In Full F...

See the Full Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlZoQ...

Spectacular close up video of the suns surface - showing coronal rain, solar flares and just the majestic power and awesomeness of our Sun.

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Prevara o fluoru (The Fluoride Deception)

Sadržaj jedne tube zubne paste sa fluorom dovoljan je da usmrti dijete. U 1991.g. Regionalni Toksikološki Centar u mjestu Akron, Ohio, USA, prijavio je smrtni slučaj kao posljedicu ingestije 16mg/kg fluorida. Samo 2 grama fluorida dovoljna su da ubiju odraslog čovjeka. Jedna zubna pasta sa fluorom sadrži 1mg/gram fluorida.

Fluoridi se koriste za kontrolu i modifikaciju raspoloženja i ponašanja ljudi.

Poznato je da su spojevi fluorida dodavani u pijaću vodu zatvorenika kako bi ih se držalo poslusnim i kako bi ih se spriječilo da se suprostavljaju autoritetima, kako u nacističkim logorima za vrijeme Drugog Svjetskog Rata, tako i u sovjetskim gulazima u Sibiru.

Fluoridi su medicinski klasificirani kao protoplazmatički otrovi, i koriste se za trovanje pacova.

Fluor nema skoro nikakvog efekta u preventivi kvarenja zuba kod ljudi. Na Novom Zelandu, 1990-te godine, Dr. John Colquhoun je natjeran da se prijevremeno penzioniše nakon što je obavio jednu naučnu studiju na 60000 djece školskog uzrasta i dokazao da ne postoji nikakva razlika u stopi kvrljivosti zubi kod djece koja žive na područjima gdje se obavlja fluoridizacija vode od onih koji žive na područjima gdje se to ne čini. On je čak pronašao i to da veliki broj djece u fluoridiziranim područjima pati od dentalne fluoroze. Dr. John Colquhoun je javno objavio rezultate ovog svog istraživanja.

1989-te godine, Hildebolt, et al. sprovode naučnu studiju na 6,000 djece školskog uzrasta čiji rezultati dokazuju da nema nikakve koristi od korištenja natrijum-fluorida.

Naučni rad sproveden 1990.g. od strane Dr. John Yiamouyiannis-a na 39000 školske djece takođe potvrđuje da nema nikakve koristi od korištenja natrijum fluorida.

"Fluoridizacija je najveća naučna prevara u ovom stoljeću"

[Izjava Robert-a Carlton-a, Ph. D., bivšeg naučnika Zavoda za Zaštitu Prirodne Okoline, USA, (EPA), 24 novembra, 1992.g. u radio emisiji "Marketplace" (Canadian Broadcast Company)]

"U vezi fluoridizacije, Američki Zavod za Zaštitu Prirodne Okoline (EPA) mora odmah da dejstvuje kako bi zaštitio ljude; ne samo zbog podataka u vezi raka, nego i svih dokaza o osteoporozi, artritisu, mutagenim i drugim efektima."

William Marcus, Ph. D., toksikolog EPA
Covert Action, Fall 1992, p. 66

Fluor se prvenstveno koristi radi mentalne kontrole ljudi zbog svog dejstva na hemijske procese u mozgu, odnosno, njegovog štetnog djelovanja na epifizu kod koje uzrokuje kalcifikaciju. Čini se da epifiza omogućava potencijalnu vezu čovjeka sa duhovnim aspektom, odnosno, višim ravnima postojanja. Bez nje, on može da vidi samo materijalne aspekte kako samog sebe, tako i svega ostalog, te se tako i ponaša u skladu s tim. 

Tako je fluor jedna od supstanci koje izazivaju i održavaju čovjekovo duhovno sljepilo.

U svakom slučaju, fluor nema nikakve veze sa zdravljem zuba, te preporučujem da se dvaput razmisli prije nego što se kupi zubna pasta sa fluorom!!!

Više informacija: http://www.galaksija.com/fluor.htm

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World (2016)

"Legendary master filmmaker Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man, Cave of Forgotten Dreams) examines the past, present and constantly evolving future of the Internet in Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World. Working with NETSCOUT, a world leader in-real time service assurance and cybersecurity, which came aboard as a producer and led him into a new world, Herzog conducted original interviews with cyberspace pioneers and prophets such as PayPal and Tesla co-founder Elon Musk, Internet protocol inventor Bob Kahn, and famed hacker Kevin Mitnick.

These provocative conversations reveal the ways in which the online world has transformed how virtually everything in the real world works, from business to education, space travel to healthcare, and the very heart of how we conduct our personal relationships. In the words of executive producer Jim McNiel, “It’s a journey even Werner, with his immense imagination and inquisitive mind, didn’t expect. Unless you have lived in the technology space, you don’t yet fully appreciate what dwells there.” Herzog adds: “It is one of the biggest revolutions we as humans are experiencing."

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Do koske (domaći film) [1997] Ceo film

1996. година, у Београду одраста генерација младих која не познаје никаква правила и којој су узор локални криминалци. "Мали" кога тумачи Никола Ђуричко, без икаквог разлога одлучује да киднапује мафијашког боса "Ковача", за кога ради.

Nedjelja 13. / DInamo - Crvena Zvezda 13.05.1990. (Cijeli film)

Dokumentarni film napravljen je povodom 25. godišnjice danas povijesne utakmice.

Povijesna nogometna utakmica Dinamo - Crvena zvezda odigrala se prije točno 25 godina, 13.5.1990., a prekinuta je zbog velikih navijačkih nereda. Što se točno dogodilo, što je utakmici prethodilo, što se događalo unutar i izvan stadiona. Za film govore navijači obje momčadi, službene osobe, voditelji osiguranja, igrači Dinama i Crvene zvezde koji su bili na mjestu događaja.



Saznajte zašto su nas lagali da živimo na lopti!

Makedonska televizija je imala hrabrosti da bude prva na Balkanu koja će na ovu temu napraviti emisiju, a gost je bio Dave Murphy čiji video o ravnoj Zemlji možete pogledati na ovom linku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk9qF...

Čuda u morima

U sredini u kojoj čovek ne može da opstane bez ronilačke opreme, morski organizmi savršeno udobno žive. Njihov Tvorac ih je opremio posebnom telesnom građom i svim što im je potrebno za korišćenje kiseonika, kretanje kroz vodu i pronalaženje hrane. Zavirite u začuđujući svet koji postoji ispod površine mora!

New Earth Found - Gliese 581c Planet (NASA Documentary)

In this edition of my universe documentaries, we are going to take you through a journey where you can learn about the new earth found by NASA i.e., learn all about the Gliese 581c Planet.

Watch New Earth Found - Gliese 581c Planet (NASA Documentary) here.

If you would like to watch more universe documentaries, videos about space and cosmos, alien life and planets, black holes, deep space, etc., subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdsE...

If you would like to discuss about space, universe, cosmos, black holes, etc., join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/My-Universe-...

Watch Space Travel - Facts About Deep Space Travel (Universe Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhwDm...

Watch Curiosity Rover - NASA Search For Life On Mars (Universe Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQkpw...

Watch The Milky Way - Facts About The Milky Way Galaxy (Universe Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82Cyd...

Watch Supernovae Facts - Supernova The Cosmic Destroyer (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2chDr...

Watch Time Travel Theory - Is Time Travel Possible (Space Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2Vg4...

Watch The Comets - Facts And Mystery Of Comets (Universe Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iru6r...

Watch The Mystery Of Quantum Physics - Albert Einstein's Nightmare (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sLGC...

Watch What Is Gravity - How Does Gravity Works (Science Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKbJj...

Watch Evacuate Earth - End Of The World Apocalypse (Earth Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVv6J...

Watch Earth History - History Of The Earth In 2 Hours (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Ops...

Watch Formation Of Earth - History Of Life On Earth (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTw8p...

Watch Black Hole, Wormhole & White Hole Facts (#Mind Blowing Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uilb2...

Watch Saturn Planet - Planet Saturn Facts & Information (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PasP...

Watch The Inner Planets - Planet Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmyt-...

Watch Alien Faces - What Do Aliens Look Like In Other Planets (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfVG8...

Watch Star Formation & Explosion - Life Cycle Of A Star (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6TJ6...

Watch Magnetars, Black Holes, Quasars And Pulsars (#Mind Blowing Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjJdm...

Watch Is Interstellar Travel Possible - The Science Of Interstellar (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWICp...

Watch What Happens When Planets & Galaxies Collide With Each Other? (Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s3yH...

FEELGOOD 11 FESTIVAL 18 19 20 Avgust 2016 Sombor

FEELGOOD 11 FESTIVAL 18 19 i 20 Avgust 2016 Sombor

u Sokaku Dzidza Bidza Jedanaesto izdanje Filguda vraća i organizaciju i
napaljenu publiku korenima. Tri dana programa za provod svake publike
koja talasa na zvuke bubnja basa i gitare. Mesto sagorevanja- Sokak,
Petra Drapšina 2, Sombor.

18.avgust ČETVRTAK 20č
projekcija dokumentarnog filma ''Živan pravi pank festival'', posle čega sledi veliki Jam session

19. avgust PETAK 22č

20. avgust SUBOTA 22č

Ulaz - pa džabe

Usubotu posle završetka svirke biće odžano takmičenje u sviranju
vazdušne gitare, AKA air guitar, nagrade će biti prezentovane na licu
mesta, kao i papir za prijavljivanje na takmičenje.

Infidel Feelgood 2016

Infidel Feelgood 2016 Sokak SOMBOR

Feelgood fest Sombor Kolac

 Feelgood fest 11 Sombor bend Kolac

Feelgood 11 LAZARATH

LAZARATH na Feelgood festu 11 Sombor 2016 sokak

feelGooD 11 Dzedalj Mima

ЏЕДАЉИ на једанајстом Филгуд фесту

FeelGooD 11 MUDPIG 19 08 2016

Feelgood 11 (2016) Sokak SOMBOR Dzema na leba JAM

Jam povodom Otvaranja 11-og Feelgood festa

Andrija i Andjelka - Sve cele epizode

Dobrodosli na oficijelni kanal serije "Andrija i Andjelka" Ovaj kanal, kao i svi postavljeni video i audio zapisi na kanalu su u vlasništvu producentskih kuća Blekbuk d.o.o Beograd i Fresh production d.o.o., zvaničnog TV emitera i samih izvođača. U njihovo ime će sav zaštićeni materijal biće uklanjan sa ostalih YouTube kanala. Iz ovoga će biti izuzeti samo kanali koji od vlasnika snimaka dobiju specijalnu dozvolu . Za sve informacije o pravima na upload i pravima vlasništva snimka:  http://www.youtube.com/t/copyright_education/

Infidel Feelgood 2016

Infidel Feelgood 11 fest 2016 Sokak SOMBOR

Feelgood 11 (2016) Sokak SOMBOR

Jam povodom Otvaranja 11-og Feelgood festa

Why Russia Did Not Put a Man on the Moon - The Secret Soviet Moon Rocket

It’s probably the most well known peacetime battle between the USA and the Soviet Union, in both technological and ideological terms of the 20th century.

Although the USA won the race to the moon, if you’d been a betting person from the mid 1950’s to 1960’s, the chances are that you would have thought the Soviet Union had a very good chance of getting there first.

So why didn’t Russia put a man on the moon?

At the time the soviets were leading the space race, they had already started with the launch of Sputnik, then launched several probes to the moon, including one in 1959 that orbited and taken photos of the far side and By 1961 they were the first to put a man in to space.

So when Kennedy made his now famous “We choose to go to the moon” speech in 1962 to rally public support, Khrushchev’s response was silence, neither confirming nor denying that they had a plan for a manned moon mission.

But at the time Khrushchev wasn’t really interested in competing with the US over the moon, he was more interested ICBM’s the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles for the strategic rocket forces.
But there were others that had harboured plans for manned mission for a long time, these included the man whose name was a state secret and the most powerful man outside the Kremlin when it came to space.

He was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, outside the inner circle of the top space scientists he was known only as the “Chief Designer” or by his first 2 initials SP, because the Soviet leadership feared that the western powers would send agents to assassinate him. 

Korolev was the man who was behind many of the soviet space successes and the head of the OKB-1 design bureau, he over saw sputnik, and the manned missions including the first man in space Yuri Gagarin. His authority extended over almost everything to do with space, his design group worked on missions to mars and venus, communications, spy and weather satellites, ICBM’s and the soviet manned moon missions. 

Korolev had a huge amount of control over the space program. In administrative power he was almost a one man version of NASA covering areas that in the US were done across multiple aerospace companies and flight centres.

But even a man with his power and connections didn’t get everything his own way. He had to continuously fight against rival designers and design groups. Although Korolev wanted the moon missions, in 1960 the job was given to his rival, Vladimir Chelomei because of his patronage by Khrushchev but his lack of experience meant that progress was slow.

The progress of Apollo on the other hand worried the chief designers and as a result of this and the in-fighting between the design bureau’s meant that there were multiple overlapping designs for the moon missions, at one point there were 30 different designs for launchers and spacecraft.

In 1964 and with the fall of Khrushchev, Korolev was given complete control over the moon missions and pushed through his designs ahead of Chelomei’s and the decision to finally compete for the moon was given, with the aim to land in 1967 the 50th anniversary of the October revolution and get there before the Americans. 

This created a problem for Korolev, in order to lift the payload weight of 95 tons he needed a very large rocket. This new rocket would be called the N1, be as big as the American Saturn 5 and would require large powerful engines, similar to the F1 rockets in the Saturn.

Valentin Glushko was the leading Soviet rocket designer and head of the OKB 456 bureau, which had a near monopoly when its came rocket design & production. He specialised in making engines that used hypergolic propellants. 

These consist of a fuel and an oxidizer, that when mixed together spontaneously ignite when they come into contact with each other. Korolev thought these were too dangerous for manned missions due to the highly toxic and corrosive nature of the chemicals that made up the fuel.

Glushko said that it was not possible to create a new large engine design that used cryogenic fuel of liquid oxygen and Kerosene and get it ready in time with limited resources and cash. He also sited that at the time the Americans had been working on cryogenic Saturn engines for 5 years and still hadn’t got them to work reliably.......

Another Place by Frank Dorittke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...)
Source: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Fra...

Sit Idly By And Watch The World Crumble Before Your Eyes by Rowan Box is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Source: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Row...

Monday, August 22, 2016

URNEBESNO Pogledajte šta je Andrija uradio kada je video da mu galeb krade doručak

Glumac Andrija Milošević poznat je po svom humoru. On i njegova draga imali su nepozvanog gosta na terasi: galeba. Galeb se počastio njihovim obrokom što je Andrija iskoristio i napravio urnebesan video snimak.
Video se zove "Razmišljanje jednog galeba", a vi se pripremite na ozbiljnu dozu smeha!

A video posted by Andrija Milošević (@andrijamilosevic_official) on

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Hell Of Not Being Able to Leave the Internet, As Captured By Werner Herzog

"As he set out to make his new documentary about the internet, Lo and Behold: Reveries of a Connected World (born out of, of all internet-y things, a sponsored web content deal), Werner Herzog considered traveling to China to document one of the country's most famous treatment centers for internet addicts—"a real toughest-of-tough boot camp." But he decided against it, in part because subtitles would have gotten in the way, and, as he told TechCrunch, he wanted to "stay more within our culture, and within our language." But it's a near universal culture and language, the internet, as evidenced by the residents at a treatment center in the west, who describe their former lives in thrall to the screen.

Herzog recounts stories like that of the South Korean couple who were so lost in a video game that their baby died. The internet security and assurance firm behind the film, NetScout, was hands off, Herzog says, with the exception of one part, in which someone recounts some horrifying comments by trolls. Herzog agreed it should go.

There's a lot more that didn't make the cut, including all the footage shot for the project's original manifestation, a web series of talking heads, but Herzog is, unlike most of us internet addicts, a seeming master of focus and slayer of distractions. That doesn't mean he won't get lost down a rabbit hole, or that he doesn't like a good tangent (and there are some good ones in the movie).

But part of the art of his filmmaking and his editor Joe Bini's editing, is knowing how and when to dig deep, and how and when to pull back. In the scene with the troll comments, Herzog politely asks a family—a modern image of suburbia married with Grant Wood gothic—how their daughter's car crash scene photos became a global meme, and made them victims in a campaign of lulz-fuelled harassment. “I have always believed that the internet is a manifestation of the Antichrist,” the girl’s mother says, without hesitation.

We're looking at something weird, and complicated, and sometimes dark, and it's hard to look away."

Sabaton ‎- Last Dying Breath (Serbia,1914)

Čuveni švedski power-metal bend na svom novom albumu opevao heroizam i junaštvo najčuvenijeg naroda Balkana...

Warm the gun, the kaiser has come
Day or night, the shells keep falling
Overrun, but never undone
Street to street, denying defeat
Soldiers of the Serbian army
Keep your heads held high

Overrun, you follow by one
For Belgrade and the Fatherland
Soldiers, heroes, die for your land
Your lives are gone
Erased by your command

Until your last dying breath!
Until your last dying breath!
Overrun, you are under the gun
Day and night, the shells kept falling
Sound the drum, the Great War has come

Show no fear, the ending is near
The final chance to face the fire
Fall in one by one
Major calls, the white city falls
Belgrade streets are stained by blood

Soldiers, heroes die for your land
Your lives are gone
Erased by your command
Until your last dying breath!

Your lives are erased
Forward to glory, for king and the country
(Until your last dying breath!)
Defend the honor of Belgrade(x3)
Forward to glory to face your fears at last!